6/10 - Let me state right of the bat that RTS games are NOT meant for the console, no matter HOW hard game developers try...and this is no exception. I've always been an RTS fan, right from back in the days of StarCraft and even Age of Empires.
I am also a HALO fan. I find the HALO saga to be one of the most indepth and elaborate storylines in any game, which is it's main appeal to me.
HALO Wars, on the other hand, while having a good story of it's own, and has no real connection to the Spartan we have all come to know and love. That makes it an immediate turnoff for me.
Gameplay is overly simplistic, but I guess that just comes with the need to simplify for the console.
Basically...I was unimpressed as a whole. While on it's own it makes a good game, the inability to make me giddy about the new story development makes it feel like it just doesn't belong in the HALO universe. Sure, the vehicles are from HALO, the soldiers, the terminology, ect all from HALO, but it doesn't FEEL like HALO....if that makes any sense.
Now for the gameplay side of things:
I like where they're going with this, although they still need to improve it. Afterall, an RTS always has and always will be better off using a mouse for control. But with everything being a near one-touch system, it sure as hell wasn't NEAR as chaotic or confusing, or even slow as games such as Alien vs. Predator.Maps were slow and boring at times, and the levels were overly repetetive, but it makes for pretty simple gamerpoints.
Overall, I'm gonna give it a 50/50....5 outta 10. Has potential, but I can see myself getting REALLY bored with it REALLY quickly.
The only major saving grace is it IS HALO, so some storyline fillers are nice to see and the cinematics...
HOLY CRAP the cinematics are pure diamonds to look at! If anything, play the game once through just to watch the cinematics! Simply put: STUNNING!
(Serena, the AI of the ship "Spirit of Fire" is one example of the stunning cinematic candy goodies!)
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