Hey guys! This review blog is a resuscitation of one of my older attempts. I apologize for the rocky start, but I will get it up to speed as quickly as I can.
Meanwhile, enjoy the reviews I currently was able to save from one of my old facebook notes, and check back DAILY for new reviews and updates!
I'm over 51k gamerscore...so there's ALOT to review!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Aliens vs. Predator

As a diehard ALIENS fan, needless to say I was excited and hezitant all at the same time at the mention of this game's release....
I was NOT disappointed!
Three Seperate Campaigns, Xenomorph, Predator, and Marine, all are custom-tailored to make you think and feel like whichever character you play.
As a Marine, I found myself taking it slow, tossing flares into dark corners, always checking my back and motion sensors, jumping (literally...I was spooked on a number of occasions) as an Alien pounced on me from nowhere, or the recently flayed body of a comrade is thrown in my face from the hanging cables of a Predator. But wielding my arsenal of lead-propelling awesomeness, I was able to make it out alive...barely.

As a Pred. There is not one better way to show the serious Bad-Assness of these guys than taking on a dozen aliens in one go. But, proving that the Preds are only as good as their tech, you still tend to air on the side of caution when dealing with enemies (such as Marines) who can take you on at range.

But the Alien...ooooohhhhh the Alien....*drool*
Lurking in the shadows, lying in wait, luring your pray this way or the other, and a TON of highly creative and EXCEEDINGLY bloody ways to execute your victims...you get to see what these guys are REALLY capable of. You get so into it (I did, anyways) that you can't help but think just a LITTLE more deviously when playing as the Xeno. You end up thinking less objectively like you do as a Pred, and more creatively, using your speed, agility and abilty to scale LITERALLY any surface to your advantage and take out your victims systematically, one by one.

Complete with original sound effects from the classic movies, and starring one or two of the original actors, this is the candy for any adamant fan of either franchise.

I was hezitant at first...but believe me when I say: This was Aliens (and Predator too...I guess...) done RIGHT!

(Aliens tromp Preds, by the way...ya know...just...cuz they're that much AWESOMER!)

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