Hey guys! This review blog is a resuscitation of one of my older attempts. I apologize for the rocky start, but I will get it up to speed as quickly as I can.
Meanwhile, enjoy the reviews I currently was able to save from one of my old facebook notes, and check back DAILY for new reviews and updates!
I'm over 51k gamerscore...so there's ALOT to review!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Call of Duty: BlackOps

I have to admit, I have some mixed feelings on this one. I was a little behind the times in picking up my copy, and I have to say, I'm glad I didn't wait in line for a pre-ordered copy.

The Campaign is simply amazing, so I'll start off there.
I remember back in the days of CoD4: ModernWarfare, having numerous conversations with friends talking about how amazing it would be to have a CoD game set in the Vietnam era....Treyarch delivered!
The violence, dismemberment and overall realism that seems to be Treyarch's signature is brought back with a nifty little option to turn it off for the more squeamish at heart, and that automatically gives it a thumb-up. The story is in-depth. chaotic, and ties together well with World at War. I was surprised to see on the credit list the voice talents of celebs such as Ice Cube and one of my personal faves: Gary Oldman as the voice of Viktor Reznov.
Meeting Pres.Kennedy brought some giggles, but overall, the campaign was a joy.

There were, however, the typical hiccups. I always play my campaigns on the hardest difficulty setting, and the jump from "Hardcore" to "Veteran" is astronomical. If you play on Veteran, be prepared to move about an inch only to get shot, killed, reload checkpoint, and repeat the process about 100 times before you make any headway. Unlike MW2, this latest chapter in the biggest selling xbox franchise of all time does not have the "limited respawn'' fix. If you don't move forward, your foes WILL keep coming.
Having said that...it DID only take me 3 days to complete the campaign, and this is the first EVER CoD game that did NOT have the signature Sniper mission. It felt empty without it.

The ability to sprint, hold down the B button and trigger a "Dive to cover" move is the best addition to the game series since care packages and dual-attachments. It has saved my neck more than once, and it great in multiplayer. Which leads me to part 2 of my review.

MP...a little bit of a dissapointment. Trying to follow in the footsteps of HALO:REACH, the duders over at Treyarch have put a credit system in place which allows for some amazing customization and early-unlockables, such as having an ACOG scope on your SniperRifle along with a silencer before you even use it. Nice...but at the same time, allows for some players to have Overkill equipment without much effort.

The amount of customization that comes with this new credit system has its own downside. There is just....TOO much going on. In all games previous to this one, things were pretty slick, sleek and simple to get your brain to wrap around. This time? I still don't have it 100% figured.

Dear Treyarch: It's nice that you wanna give the player as much as you can, but really....less IS more. Looking at this game sometimes makes me miss CoD4 quite abit. Needless to say, the Multiplayer just isn't as enjoyable as it once was. Not that it's TERRIBLE...but its not as good as it used to be. CoD4 seems to have been the peak of Activision's game.

And last but not least: ZOMBIES!

Who doesn't love zombie killing action!?
I really have nothing to say on this matter except this: While zombies is FUN AS HELL...

...World at War Zombie mode was still better.

Overall: 6/10. Sorry, Treyarch. You did alright. But you failed to blow me away.

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