Hey guys! This review blog is a resuscitation of one of my older attempts. I apologize for the rocky start, but I will get it up to speed as quickly as I can.
Meanwhile, enjoy the reviews I currently was able to save from one of my old facebook notes, and check back DAILY for new reviews and updates!
I'm over 51k gamerscore...so there's ALOT to review!


Friday, October 1, 2010

F.E.A.R. 2

7/10 - Being a sucker for zombies, the paranormal and all things creepy, I was excited for this game. Afterall, I was a fan of the first F.E.A.R.
Having said that...it just wasn't creepy enough. Not a BAD FPS game, but there was certainly room for improvement, and I'm personally a little (only a little, mind you) glad I only paid 7 bucks to rent it as opposed to 60 to buy it.
The storyline is pretty indepth but almost TOO indepth, insomuch as to force you to read a ton of data that you pick up along the way to actually figure out what's really going on. Not a bad idea if you're into that kinda thing, and as picking up the Data adds to your Gamerscore...this challenge in particular pushing my Gamerscore finally past 23,000, isn't a terrible idea. Just annoying if you really wanna get into the story.
The controls are a little stiff, and I constantly felt the urge the push the control stick in as hard as I could (almost to breaking point) to make it go faster...I felt like I was playing as a cyborg, rather than a living, breathing soldier.
Cyborgs...oh, yes. You get to sit your butt into a giant mechanical suit and totally tear things up, which, needless to say, is beyond fun and drool-worthy. Other than that, the weapons are hardly noteworthy. With the exception of things like a Pulse Rifle, there really isnt anything spectacular or new as far as weapons go and most are still from the first F.E.A.R. game.
Now, going back to the creepy-ness. I said before that there wasn't enough of it. While this statement is still true, the stuff that they DID have in there, was well placed. Things that made ME jump outta my skin which is NOT an easy task to do.
Overall, the game is pretty decent, and most CERTAINLY worth the rent, but unless you're a diehard FPS gamer, not really a good one to buy, especially if youre an online gamer like myself, because I don't forsee this being on PAR or anywhere near games such as Call of Duty or HALO for online play.

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