Hey guys! This review blog is a resuscitation of one of my older attempts. I apologize for the rocky start, but I will get it up to speed as quickly as I can.
Meanwhile, enjoy the reviews I currently was able to save from one of my old facebook notes, and check back DAILY for new reviews and updates!
I'm over 51k gamerscore...so there's ALOT to review!


Friday, October 1, 2010

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

OK. There have been some mixed reviews as to the movie which this game is based on. Personally, I enjoyed it, even though it didn't follow the original comic story properly.
The game on the other hand, without question, is amazing!
THIS is how Wolverine, aka: Logan, is SUPPOSED to be...an unstoppable force and easily the most rough and tumble, bloody, violent superhero ever created. Just the opening cinematic is enough to show what this razor-claw wielding, indestructable bones and super-healing hero is really capable of.
Now before I get into the gameplay, let me emphasize that the fully animated, non-gameplay cinematics are severely orgasmic...they're just that gorgeous!
Now...gameplay. Pretty simple. Button mash all to hell and kill everything around you. Combine with combos and such to do some killer damage....literally. Simple enough. This isn't a brainiac's thinking game, albeit there ARE minor puzzles to solve, but a quick tap on the 'up' of the D-Pad gives you some simple hints on where to go and how to get there.
Here's my personal favourite thing about this game: There are literally COUNTLESS ways of taking out your enemies...simply rampagingly slicing and dicing them is one way. How about throwing 'em over a ledge? Yup. Impaling them on a broken pipe? Done. Cramming them headlong into an operating cement mixer? YOU BETCHA!
Or howabout the kickass method of controlling the gigantic laser on the arm of a sentinel?
Yup...thats right. For all you X-Men fans out there...there ARE Sentinels! WOOT!
There are also some cool bonus features that allow you to unlock some classic Wolverine costumes from the 70's, 80's, and 90's versions of Wolverine.
The voice acting is provided by none other than Hugh Jackman, and I can't be 100% sure, but some Elite Baddies seem to have the same voice as the Wolverine from the X-men series of the 1990's....can't be sure...but its still cool.
I will forwarn you, though..the game IS severely bloody, so if you have kids, there's a reason the game is rated M.
Now, along those lines....the fact that Logan takes battle-damage right down to his Adamantium-covered skeleton and slowly regenerates himself AS YOU FIGHT is just stunning to watch!
I caught myself a few times blowing up explosive barrels while standing next to them just to watch the healing process.
And it's different each time. Where the bullets actually hit you is where the bullet holes land...no set-pattern and re-used animation crap, this is really REAL TIME DAMAGE AND REGENERATION.
Seriously...this game totally rocks...and I don't give 10/10 reviews often....but this one deserves it!

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