Hey guys! This review blog is a resuscitation of one of my older attempts. I apologize for the rocky start, but I will get it up to speed as quickly as I can.
Meanwhile, enjoy the reviews I currently was able to save from one of my old facebook notes, and check back DAILY for new reviews and updates!
I'm over 51k gamerscore...so there's ALOT to review!


Friday, October 1, 2010

Rise of the Argonauts

7/10 - When my younger brother rented this and I took a first glance at it...I initially thought: yuck!
When I picked up the controls...I also thought: yuck!
.....Then I really got into it.
While the graphics are a tad bit lacking, they are made up for by the complexity of the game's storyline. The amount of optional dialogue and results of the choices you make offer a very wide range of story complexities.
Or for you simple folk: Lotsa talking choices = Lotsa talking results.
The gameplay can tend to stretch out for long periods of time without much combat, if any, and as a result can be pretty slow paced. Having said that, this is more of a story-based game rather than an action-based and thus the concept works nicely.
The combat system is well established and makes the weapons-selection as well as God-Powers selection quite simple and frankly, quite enjoyable.
Following the legends of Ancient Greece is pretty intensely awesome. As an animator who worked on a Cartoon series based on Greek Mythology (youtube Class of the Titans), I was totally enthralled in the story. Having said that...alot of the conversations are abit over-winded and only the most diehard story-follower will refuse to skip any of the dialogue.
I skipped alot.
This is a pretty meaty game and you really need to take your time...no fast-food-99-cent-burger-joint kinda stuff allowed. Sink your teeth and savor the flavor.
Being an RPG, it doesn't have any online play value and little-to-no replay value unless you are REALLY bored. So I recommend it as a rental only...but it is most definately worth every penny of said rental.

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